Project Monitor Form System (Milestones)

Project: CALICE

PMF Number: 27
Project Manager: Rob Halsall / Steve Quinton
Date of PMF: 13 Feb 2004
Date Submitted: 13 Feb 2004
News and Comment: A phone meeting was held on 11/2/04, the notes are available at
The next phone meeting will be on 19/02/04 at 2.00pm. SQ will be away that day, and the following Monday, so the next pmf will be on 24/04/04
The VFE module has arrived
Dave Mercer will be visiting RAL on Monday for assistance with the FPGA firmware, Ed Freeman will help out. Saeed should also be available (cuurently at CERN).
We are planning the move the test area today

Actions from previous PMF: E-mail web location of CMS VME documentation to Paul Dauncey, RH, 19-12-2003, SQ to check with Paul
Provide support & consultancy for testing as required IC/SAB Ongoing
Investigate & provide support for power sequencing issues, JS, 19-12-2003, ongoing, will follow up when the firmware is in place and the board is drawing full operating current
Provide consultancy for BE/VME FPGA, ST/EF, Ongoing
Make sure Route Cards & Problem Reports up to date, SAB, 19-12-2003, ongoing
Update Project Spec and sign off, RH/PD, 15-12-2003, SQ to check with Paul
Test NIM to LVDS module, SAB, 30-11-2004, will be done if required for testing
Actions for this PMF: E-mail web location of CMS VME documentation to Paul Dauncey, RH, 19-12-2003, SQ to check with Paul, done
Provide support & consultancy for testing as required IC/SAB Ongoing
Investigate & provide support for power sequencing issues, JS, 19-12-2003, ongoing, will follow up when the firmware is in place and the board is drawing full operating current
Provide consultancy for BE/VME FPGA, ST/EF, Ongoing
Make sure Route Cards & Problem Reports up to date, SAB, 19-12-2003, ongoing
Update Project Spec and sign off, RH/PD, 15-12-2003, SQ to check with Paul
Test NIM to LVDS module, SAB, 30-11-2004, will be done if required for testing

Milestone Milestones from Project Management Plan Date due in PMP Status
1 Prototype Design Complete 31 May 2003 Completed on 4 Aug 2003
2 Prototype Fabrication Complete 30 Jun 2003 Completed on 27 Nov 2003
3 Prototype Testing Complete 30 Nov 2003 Predicted on 31 Mar 2004
4 Design iteration complete 28 Feb 2004 Predicted on 29 Apr 2004
5 Production board fabrication complete 31 Mar 2004 Predicted on 31 May 2004
6 Production Board Testing complete 31 May 2004 Predicted on 30 Jul 2004

Staff Booking Data for this Financial Year (when this PMF was created)
(units are in percentage of staff-month, i.e. 100 = 1 staff-month. Staff Booking predictions are shown in blue.)

Person Cost Code Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total (SM)
Rob Halsall FD31720 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 25 25 25 10 10 1.35
Adam Baird FD31720 70 60 60 60 60 60 80 50 50 25 25 25 6.25
Edward Freeman FD31720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 25 25 25 1.25
Totals   0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 1 1 0.75 0.6 0.6 8.85 SM
(0.74 SY)

Is the Project proceeding on Schedule? y
Is the Project proceeding on Budget? y

Comments and Corrective Actions: