Project Monitor Form System (Milestones)

Project: CALICE

PMF Number: 38
Project Manager: Rob Halsall
Date of PMF: 14 May 2004
Date Submitted: 21 May 2004
News and Comment: Calice Meeting held 12th May at RAL

QDRs fitted to CERC-001
CERC-001 has passed RS232 & JTAG tests at RAL
Power sequencing & configuration problems at Paris
Actions from previous PMF: SAB to investigate noise problems in Paris, SAB, End May
Provide support & consultancy for testing as required IC/SAB Ongoing
Investigate & provide support for power sequencing issues, JS, 19-12-2003, ongoing - minor changes in timing required to reduce current spikes
Update Project Spec and sign off, RH/PD, 15-12-2003, RH and PD need to meet
Actions for this PMF: Make correct version of schemtaics & layout available, SAB, 21-05-2004
Get problem reports ready for review, SAB, 28-05-2004
Investigate ADC & DAC ranges, SAB, 28-05-2004
Investigate Power sequencing & configuration problems, SAB, 28-05-2004
Investigate reducing the NIM2LVDS module latency, SAB, 28-05-2004
Write User Guide for CERC in word/pdf format, SAB, 28-05-2004
Order new USB2 Compact Flash programmer on Calice budget, SAB, 21-05-2004
Borrow 3 or 4 SCSI cables for Paris Tests, SAB, 21-05-2004
SAB to investigate noise problems in Paris, SAB, End May
Update Project Specs & Plans for 2004/5 and sign off, RH/PD, 26-05-2003

Milestone Milestones from Project Management Plan Date due in PMP Status
1 Prototype Design Complete 31 May 2003 Completed on 4 Aug 2003
2 Prototype Fabrication Complete 30 Jun 2003 Completed on 27 Nov 2003
3 Prototype Testing Complete 30 Nov 2003 Predicted on 31 May 2004
4 Design iteration complete 28 Feb 2004 Predicted on 29 Apr 2004
5 Production board fabrication complete 31 Mar 2004 Predicted on 31 May 2004
6 Production Board Testing complete 31 May 2004 Predicted on 30 Jul 2004

Staff Booking Data for this Financial Year (when this PMF was created)
(units are in percentage of staff-month, i.e. 100 = 1 staff-month. Staff Booking predictions are shown in blue.)

Person Cost Code AprMayJunJulAugSep OctNovDecJanFebMar Total (SM)
Totals   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SM
(0.00 SY)

Is the Project proceeding on Schedule? y
Is the Project proceeding on Budget? y

Comments and Corrective Actions: