
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <cmath>
00003 #include <cassert>
00004 #include <algorithm>
00005 #include <functional>
00007 #include "TRandom2.h"
00009 #include "MapsSensor.hh"
00010 #include "ToString.h"
00012 //A "functional" object, used by mutualSensorMask
00013 struct IlEstMort :
00014         public std::binary_function<const MapsSensor*, const MapsSensor::physXY, bool > {
00015         bool operator()(const MapsSensor* s, const MapsSensor::physXY p) const {
00016                 return s->isDeadArea(p);
00017         }
00018 };
00020 MapsSensor::~MapsSensor() {
00021 }
00023 MapsSensor::physXY MapsSensor::getAlignment() const {
00024         return myAlignment;
00025 }
00027 void MapsSensor::setAlignment(MapsSensor::physXY alignment) {
00028         myAlignment = alignment;
00029 }
00031 void MapsSensor::registerTrackConfirm(unsigned threshold,
00032                 MapsSensor::coord place, unsigned bx) {
00033         if (myHitsByThreshold.count(threshold) == 0) {
00034                 myKnownThresholds.push_back(threshold);
00035                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* hits =
00036                                 new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00037                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* samplerHits =
00038                                 new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00039                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* shaperHits =
00040                                 new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00042                 myHitsByThreshold[threshold] = hits;
00043                 mySamplerHitsByThreshold[threshold] = samplerHits;
00044                 myShaperHitsByThreshold[threshold] = shaperHits;
00045         }
00047         if (myTimes.count(bx) == 0) {
00048                 myTimes[bx] = new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00049         }
00051         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* hits = myHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00052         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* times = myTimes[bx];
00053         //std::cout << (*hits).first << ", " << (*hits).second << "\n";
00054         (*hits).first++;
00055         (*times).first++;
00057         if (place.first < 84) {
00058                 //it's a shaper hit
00059                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* shaperHits =
00060                                 myShaperHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00061                 (*shaperHits).first++;
00062         } else {
00063                 //it's a sampler hit
00064                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* samplerHits =
00065                                 mySamplerHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00066                 (*samplerHits).first++;
00067         }
00068         myEfficientHits.push_back(place);
00069 }
00071 void MapsSensor::registerTrackConfirm(unsigned threshold,
00072                 MapsSensor::coord place, unsigned bx, MapsSensor::physXY resid) {
00073         myFourthHitResids.push_back(resid);
00074         registerTrackConfirm(threshold, place, bx);
00075 }
00076 void MapsSensor::registerTrackMiss(unsigned threshold, unsigned bx) {
00077         if (myHitsByThreshold.count(threshold) == 0) {
00078                 myKnownThresholds.push_back(threshold);
00079                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* hits =
00080                                 new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00081                 myHitsByThreshold[threshold] = hits;
00083                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* shaperHits =
00084                                 new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00085                 myShaperHitsByThreshold[threshold] = shaperHits;
00087                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* samplerHits =
00088                                 new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00089                 mySamplerHitsByThreshold[threshold] = samplerHits;
00090         }
00091         if (myTimes.count(bx) == 0) {
00092                 myTimes[bx] = new std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
00093         }
00094         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* hits = myHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00095         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* times = myTimes[bx];
00096         //std::cout << (*hits).first << ", " << (*hits).second << "\n";
00097         (*hits).second++;
00098         (*times).second++;
00099 }
00101 void MapsSensor::registerTrackMiss(unsigned threshold, MapsSensor::coord pred,
00102                 unsigned bx) {
00103         myInefficientHits.push_back(pred);
00104         registerTrackMiss(threshold, bx);
00105         if (pred.first < 84) {
00106                 //it's a shaper miss
00107                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* shaperHits =
00108                                 myShaperHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00109                 (*shaperHits).second++;
00110         } else {
00111                 //it's a sampler miss
00112                 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* samplerHits =
00113                                 mySamplerHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00114                 (*samplerHits).second++;
00115         }
00116         physXY predPlace;
00117         convertHitToPhysical(pred, predPlace);
00118         malign(predPlace);
00119         rotateGlobalToLocal(predPlace);
00120         myInefficientPlaces.push_back(predPlace);
00121 }
00123 void MapsSensor::registerTrackMiss(unsigned threshold, MapsSensor::physXY pred,
00124                 unsigned bx) {
00125         myInefficientPlaces.push_back(pred);
00126         registerTrackMiss(threshold, bx);
00127         malign(pred);
00128         rotateGlobalToLocal(pred);
00129         coord predHit;
00130         if (!isDeadArea(pred)) {
00131                 convertPhysicalToHit(pred, predHit);
00132                 myInefficientHits.push_back(predHit);
00133                 if (predHit.first < 84) {
00134                         //it's a shaper miss
00135                         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* shaperHits =
00136                                         myShaperHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00137                         (*shaperHits).second++;
00138                 } else {
00139                         //it's a sampler miss
00140                         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* samplerHits =
00141                                         mySamplerHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00142                         (*samplerHits).second++;
00143                 }
00144         }
00145 }
00147 void MapsSensor::registerGeneralHit(unsigned threshold,
00148                 MapsSensor::coord place, unsigned bx) {
00149         myGeneralHits.push_back(place);
00150         std::cout<< "WARNING: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
00151                         << " not yet fully implemented!!!\n";
00153 }
00154 double MapsSensor::getEfficiency(unsigned threshold, bool withShapers,
00155                 bool withSamplers) {
00156         if (myHitsByThreshold.count(threshold) == 0)
00157                 return -1.0;
00158         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* hits;
00160         if (withShapers && withSamplers)
00161                 hits = myHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00162         else if (withShapers && !withSamplers)
00163                 hits = myShaperHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00164         else if (withSamplers && !withShapers)
00165                 hits = mySamplerHitsByThreshold[threshold];
00166         else {
00167                 MapsException* me = new MapsException("Efficiency calculation called for no active area!");
00168                 throw me;
00169         }
00170         return static_cast<double>((*hits).first) / ((*hits).first + (*hits).second);
00171 }
00173 void MapsSensor::getInefficiencyXYPlot(TH2F& plot, bool physicalXY) {
00174         if (!physicalXY) {
00175                 plot.SetTitle(("XY inefficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00176                 plot.SetName(("hXYinefficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00177                 plot.SetBins(168, 0, 168, 168, 0, 168);
00178                 plot.SetXTitle("x pixel");
00179                 plot.SetYTitle("y pixel");
00181                 for (std::vector<MapsSensor::coord>::const_iterator it =
00182                                 myInefficientHits.begin(); it != myInefficientHits.end(); it++) {
00183                         plot.Fill((*it).first, (*it).second);
00184                 }
00185         } else {
00186                 plot.SetTitle(("XY inefficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00187                 plot.SetName(("hXYinefficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00188                 plot.SetBins(1000, -5.0, 5.0, 1000, -5.0, 5.0);
00189                 plot.SetXTitle("x (mm)");
00190                 plot.SetYTitle("y (mm)");
00192                 for (std::vector<MapsSensor::physXY>::const_iterator it =
00193                                 myInefficientPlaces.begin(); it != myInefficientPlaces.end(); it++) {
00194                         plot.Fill((*it).first, (*it).second);
00195                 }
00196         }
00197 }
00198 void MapsSensor::getEfficiencyXYPlot(TH2F& plot) {
00199         plot.SetTitle(("XY efficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00200         plot.SetName(("hXYefficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00201         plot.SetBins(168, 0, 168, 168, 0, 168);
00202         plot.SetXTitle("x pixel");
00203         plot.SetYTitle("y pixel");
00205         for (std::vector<MapsSensor::coord>::const_iterator it =
00206                         myEfficientHits.begin(); it != myEfficientHits.end(); it++) {
00208                 plot.Fill((*it).first, (*it).second);
00209         }
00210 }
00211 void MapsSensor::getFourthHitResidualPlot(TH2F& plot) {
00212         plot.SetTitle(("R_{4} for 3 hit track w/alignment, sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00213         plot.SetName(("hXYfourthHitResidSensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00214         plot.SetBins(100, -1.0, 1.0, 100, -1.0, 1.0);
00215         plot.SetXTitle("x pixel residual");
00216         plot.SetYTitle("y pixel residual");
00218         for (std::vector<MapsSensor::physXY>::const_iterator it =
00219                         myFourthHitResids.begin(); it != myFourthHitResids.end(); it++) {
00220                 //plot.Fill((*it).first - myAlignment.first, (*it).second - myAlignment.second);
00221                 //if(myId == 2)
00222                 //      std::cout << toString(*it) << ", \t" << toString(*it - myAlignment) << "\n";
00223                 plot.Fill((*it).first, (*it).second);
00224         }
00226 }
00227 void MapsSensor::getEfficiencyTimestamps(TH1F& plot) {
00228         plot.SetName(("hTimestampsEfficiencySensor"+ toString(myId)).c_str());
00229         plot.SetTitle(("Efficiency timestamps for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00230         plot.SetBins(128, 0, 8192);
00231         plot.SetYTitle("Entries/64");
00232         plot.SetXTitle("Time");
00233         //std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ", filling histogram...\n";
00234         for (unsigned t(0); t < 8192; t++) {
00235                 if (myTimes.count(t) != 0) {
00236                         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* count = myTimes[t];
00237                         plot.Fill(t, (*count).first);
00238                 }
00239         }
00240 }
00242 void MapsSensor::getInefficiencyTimestamps(TH1F& plot) {
00243         plot.SetName(("hTimestampsInefficiencySensor"+ toString(myId)).c_str());
00244         plot.SetTitle(("Inefficiency timestamps for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00245         plot.SetBins(128, 0, 8192);
00246         plot.SetYTitle("Entries/64");
00247         plot.SetXTitle("Time");
00248         //std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ", filling histogram...\n";
00249         for (unsigned t(0); t < 8192; t++) {
00250                 if (myTimes.count(t) != 0) {
00251                         std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>* count = myTimes[t];
00252                         plot.Fill(t, (*count).second);
00253                 }
00254         }
00255 }
00257 void MapsSensor::getResidualXYPlot(TH2F& plot) const {
00258         plot.SetName(("hResidualsSensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00259         plot.SetTitle(("Residuals for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00260         plot.SetXTitle("x residual (mm)");
00261         plot.SetYTitle("y residual (mm)");
00262         plot.SetBins(100, -1.0, 1.0, 100, -1.0, 1.0);
00263         for (std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator it =
00264                         myResiduals.begin(); it != myResiduals.end(); it++) {
00265                 plot.Fill((*it).first, (*it).second);
00266         }
00267 }
00269 void MapsSensor::getEfficiencyCurve(TH1F& plot, int bins, int low, int high,
00270                 bool withShapers, bool withSamplers) {
00271         if (withShapers && !withSamplers) {
00272                 plot.SetTitle(("Shaper efficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00273                 plot.SetName(("hShaperEfficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00274         } else if (withSamplers && !withShapers) {
00275                 plot.SetTitle(("Sampler efficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00276                 plot.SetName(("hSamplerEfficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00277         } else if (withShapers && withSamplers) {
00278                 plot.SetTitle(("Efficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00279                 plot.SetName(("hEfficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00280         }
00281         plot.SetXTitle("Threshold");
00282         plot.SetYTitle("Efficiency (%)");
00283         plot.SetBins(bins, low, high);
00284         for (std::vector<unsigned>::iterator it = myKnownThresholds.begin(); it
00285                         != myKnownThresholds.end(); it++) {
00286                 plot.Fill(*it, 100*getEfficiency(*it, withShapers, withSamplers));
00287         }
00289 }
00291 void MapsSensor::getEfficiencyByGroup(TH2F& plot, unsigned threshold) {
00292         plot.SetTitle(("Group efficiency for sensor " + toString(myId)).c_str());
00293         plot.SetName(("hGroupEfficiencySensor" + toString(myId)).c_str());
00294         plot.SetXTitle("Group + (Region x 6)");
00295         plot.SetYTitle("Row");
00296         plot.SetBins(28, 0, 28, 168, 0, 168);
00298         bool doAllThresholds(false);
00299         if (threshold == 0)
00300                 doAllThresholds = true;
00301         else {
00302                 //no support for threshold by threshold yet, so too bad
00303                 MapsException me("Specifying a threshold isn't yet supported. Sorry.");
00304                 throw me;
00305         }
00307         //group eff = nHits / (nHits + nNoHits)
00308         //make an array to hold this data
00309         //first index: group, second row, third eff/notEff
00310         unsigned groupEff[29][168][2];
00311         memset(groupEff, 0, 2*168*29*sizeof(unsigned));
00312         unsigned region, group, pseudoGroup;
00313         //physXY hit;
00314         coord px;
00315         for (std::vector<MapsSensor::coord>::const_iterator it =
00316                         myEfficientHits.begin(); it != myEfficientHits.end() ; ++it) {
00317                 px = *it;
00318                 try {
00319                         //convertPhysicalToHit(hit, px);
00321                         //decode region
00322                         region = static_cast<unsigned>(px.first/42);
00323                         assert(region < 4);
00324                         //decode group
00325                         group = static_cast<unsigned>((px.first % 42) / 6);
00326                         assert(group < 8);
00328                         pseudoGroup = region * 7 + group;
00329                         assert(pseudoGroup < 29);
00330                         ++groupEff[pseudoGroup][px.second][0];
00331                 } catch (MapsException& me) {
00332                         std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << ": hmm, got a ME. Input hit: " << px << ", " << me.what() << "\n";
00333                 }
00334         }
00336         for (std::vector<MapsSensor::coord>::const_iterator it =
00337                         myInefficientHits.begin(); it != myInefficientHits.end() ; ++it) {
00338                 px = *it;
00339                 //decode region
00340                 region = static_cast<unsigned>(px.first/42);
00341                 assert(region < 4);
00342                 //decode group
00343                 group = static_cast<unsigned>((px.first % 42) / 6);
00344                 assert(group < 8);
00346                 pseudoGroup = region * 7 + group;
00347                 assert(pseudoGroup < 29);
00348                 ++groupEff[pseudoGroup][px.second][1];
00349         }
00351         for (unsigned row(0); row < 168; ++row) {
00352                 for (unsigned pseudoGrp(0); pseudoGrp < 29; ++pseudoGrp) {
00353                         if ((groupEff[pseudoGrp][row][0] + groupEff[pseudoGrp][row][1])
00354                                         != 0) {
00355                                 plot.Fill(pseudoGrp, row,
00356                                                 static_cast<double>(groupEff[pseudoGrp][row][0])
00357                                                                 / (groupEff[pseudoGrp][row][0]
00358                                                                                 + groupEff[pseudoGrp][row][1]));
00359                         }
00360                 }
00361         }
00363 }
00364 void MapsSensor::setResidual(MapsSensor::physXY resid) {
00365         myResiduals.push_back(resid);
00366 }
00368 unsigned MapsSensor::getLowestThresh() const {
00369         unsigned lowest = 100000;
00370         for (std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator it = myKnownThresholds.begin(); it
00371                         != myKnownThresholds.end(); it++) {
00372                 if (*it < lowest)
00373                         lowest = *it;
00374         }
00375         return lowest;
00376 }
00377 unsigned MapsSensor::getHighestThresh() const {
00378         unsigned highest = 0;
00379         for (std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator it = myKnownThresholds.begin(); it
00380                         != myKnownThresholds.end(); it++) {
00381                 if (*it > highest)
00382                         highest = *it;
00383         }
00384         return highest;
00385 }
00387 bool MapsSensor::isDeadArea(const physXY xyTest) const {
00388         physXY xy = xyTest;
00389         malign(xy);
00390         rotateGlobalToLocal(xy);
00391         //      std::cout << "\tHit in:\t" << xyTest;
00392         //      std::cout << "\trotated:\t" << xy << "\n";
00393         //eliminate dead area in y
00394         if (fabs(xy.second) < 0.025 || fabs(xy.second) > 4.225)
00395                 return true;
00397         //region 0's left memory column and beyond
00398         if (xy.first < -4.45)
00399                 return true;
00400         //right outer bound of sensor
00401         if (xy.first > 4.7)
00402                 return true;
00403         //region 01 memory column
00404         if (xy.first > -2.35 && xy.first < -2.1)
00405                 return true;
00406         //region 12 memory column
00407         if (xy.first > 0 && xy.first < 0.25)
00408                 return true;
00409         //region 23 memory column
00410         if (xy.first > 2.35 && xy.first < 2.6)
00411                 return true;
00412         //otherwise we're in business :-)
00413         return false;
00415 }
00417 void MapsSensor::convertHitToPhysical(const coord& c, physXY& xy) const {
00418         //region please
00419         int r = c.first / 42;
00421         //x coordinate first
00422         //x = shift by region + move out its dead area, then half a pixel, then ...
00423         xy.first = (r - 2) * 2.35 + 0.25 + 0.025 + (c.first % 42) * 0.05;
00425         //y coordinate
00426         if (c.second > 83)
00427                 xy.second = 0.05 + (c.second - 84) * 0.05;
00428         else
00429                 xy.second = (c.second - 84) * 0.05;
00431         physXY local(xy);
00432         rotateLocalToGlobal(xy);
00433         align(xy);
00434         assert(!isDeadArea(xy));
00435         //      if (isDeadArea(xy)) {
00436         //              std::cout << "OOPS:" << c << " \t -> " << local << "!!\n";
00437         //      }
00438 }
00440 void MapsSensor::convertPhysicalToHit(const physXY& xyIn, coord& c) const
00441                 throw(MapsException) {
00443         if (isDeadArea(xyIn)) {
00444                 std::string desc("Physical xy ");
00445                 desc.append(toString(xyIn));
00446                 desc.append(" falls in dead area.");
00447                 MapsException me(desc.c_str());
00448                 throw me;
00449         }
00451         physXY xy = xyIn;
00452         malign(xy);
00453         rotateGlobalToLocal(xy);
00455         unsigned r = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(xy.first/2.35) + 2);
00457         //y coordinate
00458         if (xy.second > 0.025)
00459                 c.second = static_cast<unsigned>(84 + floor((xy.second - 0.025)/0.05));
00460         else
00461                 c.second = static_cast<unsigned>(84 + floor((xy.second + 0.025)/0.05));
00463         //x coordinate
00464         //define localX i.t.o the local region
00465         unsigned localX = static_cast<unsigned>(floor((xy.first - ((r - 2) * 2.35
00466                         + 0.25)) / 0.05));
00468         //so the sensor x = region * 42 + localX
00469         c.first = r * 42 + localX;
00471 }
00473 unsigned MapsSensor::decodeRegion(const coord&  input) const {
00474         return input.first / 42;
00475 }
00477 unsigned MapsSensor::decodeRegion(const physXY& input) const throw(MapsException) {
00478         coord c;
00479         convertPhysicalToHit(input, c);
00480         return decodeRegion(c);
00481 }
00483 void MapsSensor::rotateLocalToGlobal(physXY& local) const {
00484         MapsSensor::physXY localCpy = local;
00485         local.first = cos(myPhi) * localCpy.first + sin(myPhi) * localCpy.second;
00486         local.second = -1.0 * sin(myPhi) * localCpy.first + cos(myPhi)
00487                         * localCpy.second;
00488         assert(fabs(pow(localCpy.first, 2) + pow(localCpy.second, 2) - pow(local.first, 2) - pow(local.second, 2)) < 0.01);
00489 }
00491 void MapsSensor::rotateGlobalToLocal(physXY& glob) const {
00492         MapsSensor::physXY globCpy = glob;
00493         glob.first = cos(myPhi) * globCpy.first - sin(myPhi) * globCpy.second;
00494         glob.second = sin(myPhi) * globCpy.first + cos(myPhi) * globCpy.second;
00495         assert(fabs(pow(globCpy.first, 2) + pow(globCpy.second, 2) - pow(glob.first, 2) - pow(glob.second, 2)) < 0.01);
00497 }
00499 void MapsSensor::align(physXY& maligned) const {
00500         maligned.first = maligned.first + myAlignment.first;
00501         maligned.second = maligned.second + myAlignment.second;
00502 }
00504 void MapsSensor::malign(physXY& aligned) const {
00505         aligned.first = aligned.first - myAlignment.first;
00506         aligned.second = aligned.second - myAlignment.second;
00507 }
00509 void MapsSensor::printEfficiencies(std::ostream& s) {
00510         double sampYes(0), shapYes(0);
00511         double sampNo(0), shapNo(0);
00512         for (std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator it = myKnownThresholds.begin(); it
00513                         != myKnownThresholds.end(); ++it) {
00514                 double efficiency = getEfficiency(*it);
00515                 double shapEff = getEfficiency(*it, true, false);
00516                 double sampEff = getEfficiency(*it, false, true);
00517                 if (efficiency > -0.9) {
00518                         s.precision(3);
00520                         shapYes += (myShaperHitsByThreshold[*it])->first;
00521                         shapNo += (myShaperHitsByThreshold[*it])->second;
00523                         sampYes += (mySamplerHitsByThreshold[*it])->first;
00524                         sampNo += (mySamplerHitsByThreshold[*it])->second;
00526                         s << "\t Thresh: " << *it << "\t: " << efficiency * 100
00527                                         << ",\t shap:\t" << shapEff * 100 << ",\t samp:\t"
00528                                         << sampEff * 100 << "\n";
00529                         s << "\t\tShaper hits:\t " << (myShaperHitsByThreshold[*it])->first << " / " << (myShaperHitsByThreshold[*it])->first + (myShaperHitsByThreshold[*it])->second
00530                                         << "\tSampler hits:\t " << (mySamplerHitsByThreshold[*it])->first << " / " << (mySamplerHitsByThreshold[*it])->first + (mySamplerHitsByThreshold[*it])->second << "\n";
00531                 }
00533         }
00534         s << "\tOverall: \tShapers:\t" << shapYes << " / " << shapNo + shapYes
00535                         << " = " << 100 * shapYes / (shapNo + shapYes);
00536         s << "\tSamplers:\t" << sampYes << " / " << sampNo + sampYes << " = "
00537                         << 100 * sampYes / (sampNo + sampYes) << "\n";
00538 }
00540 void MapsSensor::mutualSensorMask(
00541                 const std::vector<MapsSensor*>& sensors, TH2F& mutual) {
00542         std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
00543         TRandom2 randy;
00544         double x, y;
00545         mutual.SetName("hExclusionArea");
00546         mutual.SetTitle("Mutual exclusion area");
00547         mutual.SetBins(1000, -5.0, 5.0, 1000, -5.0, 5.0);
00548         for (unsigned u(0); u < 100000; u++) {
00549                 x = randy.Uniform(-5.0, 5.0);
00550                 y = randy.Uniform(-5.0, 5.0);
00551                 MapsSensor::physXY test(x, y);
00552                 //              if (s1->isDeadArea(test) || s2->isDeadArea(test)) {
00553                 //                      mutual.Fill(x, y);
00554                 //              }
00555                 unsigned deads = std::count_if(sensors.begin(), sensors.end(),
00556                                 std::bind2nd(IlEstMort(), test));
00557                 if (deads > 0) {
00558                         mutual.Fill(x, y);
00559                 }
00561         }
00562 }
00565 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const MapsSensor& ms) {
00566         return s << "Sensor id " << ms.myId << " [z=" << ms.myPosition
00567                         << "\tphi_d=" << ms.myPhi/3.14159265358979323846 * 180.0
00568                         << ",\tal=" << ms.myAlignment << "]";
00569 }

Generated on Wed Mar 19 17:47:58 2008 for MapsTracks by  doxygen 1.5.2